While Hotel Labamba does not have a repeat watch value, it is okay as a one-time watch, alone or with friends.
Results For: Tina Mba

Movie Review: Mamba’s DiamondMovie Review: Mamba’s Diamond
Follow two amateur thieves who mistakenly bite more than they can chew. Mamba's Diamond is a fast-paced action comedy that drags you to the edge of your seat and demands

Review: Postcards is marred by pedestrian acting and boring conversations (2024 Netflix series)Review: Postcards is marred by pedestrian acting and boring conversations (2024 Netflix series)
I have watched boring Bollywood and Nollywood movies, but never have I watched anything more boring and predictable than Postcards.

Movie Review: Breath Of Life (2023) on Prime Video is a Work of ExcellenceMovie Review: Breath Of Life (2023) on Prime Video is a Work of Excellence
Breath Of Life will make you laugh out loud, cry, get angry, and give you goosebumps. It is a well thought out and excellently acted production.

Movie Review: Jolly Roger (2022) on NetflixMovie Review: Jolly Roger (2022) on Netflix
Jolly Roger is a stellar performance that leaves you with a cliffhanger to stimulate continued discussion.

Movie Review: Here Love Lies (2023 Netflix) thrills and entertainsMovie Review: Here Love Lies (2023 Netflix) thrills and entertains
Here Love Lies has good dialogue and elements of a thriller, along with the right sprinkling of humor.

Battle on Buka Street (2022) Movie Review: comedy, drama, tragedy, romance, and great actingBattle on Buka Street (2022) Movie Review: comedy, drama, tragedy, romance, and great acting
Battle on Buka Street is a movie that mixes comedy, drama, tragedy, and romance, and keeps things interesting till the very end.

Battle on Buka Street and Ijakumo: Twitter Round upBattle on Buka Street and Ijakumo: Twitter Round up
What the cinema goers are saying about Battle on Buka Street and Ijakumo on social media.

U-turn (2022) Movie Review (Netflix): Some mirth in a story that dragsU-turn (2022) Movie Review (Netflix): Some mirth in a story that drags
Gabriel Afolayan's debut movie, U-turn, provides some interest and mirth, but most of it drags. I kept wondering when the major conflict and action would happen.

Weather For Two Netflix Movie Review: WTF?! And other questionsWeather For Two Netflix Movie Review: WTF?! And other questions
After seeing Weather For Two, I had to ask: What is the plot? What is the story line? Why is the acting so poor? Who vets movies at Netflix?

The Set Up 2 (2022) Movie Review: An action flick that keeps you on the edge of your seat from start to finishThe Set Up 2 (2022) Movie Review: An action flick that keeps you on the edge of your seat from start to finish
The Set Up 2 feels like a movie made out of a collaborative effort between Sydney Sheldon and Robert Ludlum.

Ile Owo (2022) Movie Review: A Horror Movie That Shocks, Just Not The Way You Would ExpectIle Owo (2022) Movie Review: A Horror Movie That Shocks, Just Not The Way You Would Expect
Ile Owo (House Of Money) explores the horror genre. The real horror you experience is that of the shock of wondering why you spent any money or time watching the

Movie Review: For Maria Ebun Pataki (2020) is an outstanding production; now on NetflixMovie Review: For Maria Ebun Pataki (2020) is an outstanding production; now on Netflix
For Maria Ebun Pataki is an excellent Nollywood production, and deserves to be seen by everyone.

Movie Review: Finding Hubby (2020)Movie Review: Finding Hubby (2020)
In Finding Hubby, an upwardly mobile young woman plays the field and breaks hearts in her search for a husband. It was only a matter of time before she got

Movie Review: Gold Statue (2019, now on Netflix)Movie Review: Gold Statue (2019, now on Netflix)
Gold Statue is a star-studded movie that weaves a story around ancient history and the societal challenge of corruption.

Movie Review: This Lady Called Life (2020; 2021 on Netflix)Movie Review: This Lady Called Life (2020; 2021 on Netflix)
In This Lady called Life, a struggling single mother goes up against all odds to fulfil her dreams.

Breaded Life (2021) Movie ReviewBreaded Life (2021) Movie Review
Breaded Life (2021) Synopsis: An irresponsible young man in conflict with his mother wakes up one day, and to his surprise, no-one he knows can recognize him, except for a local bread

Movie Review: Prophetess (2021)Movie Review: Prophetess (2021)
If you want to laugh a lot, the 2021 movie, Prophetess, delivers on the goods. You will laugh your way through it despite a storyline that isn't as well-developed as