Introducing the Kujus is a 2020 Nigerian comedy-drama film written and directed by Biodun Stephen and produced by Winifred Okpapi. The film stars Bisola Aiyeola who co-produced the film. It also features Timini Egbuson, Femi Jacobs, Bimbo Ademoye, Sophie Alakija, and Mimi Onalaja.
The story is set in the ancient town of Badagry in Lagos. The movie focuses on one young woman’s love for her family and how this love reunites the family and ends old feuds. It was released on November 27, 2020.
We did a social media round up on Twitter, and though the movie has been in the cinemas for up to three weeks, there was not much buzz about it. The comments we saw were all positive though, meaning moviegoers got a good deal for their money.
What people are saying about Introducing The Kujus
There is no lie #ITKthemovie is worth the hype. It is such a feel Good movie about family and love.
Directed by Biodun Stephen.
Don't go see it alone, take someone along.Still on cinemas nationwide.
— Biodun Stephen (@BiodunStephenO) December 6, 2020
#ITKthemovie na one kin film y'all need not to sleep on..
Educative, enlightenment, hilarious, comedy na 100%,go check it out already guys if you haven't
— Tola🏆🧘♂️ (@tallernii) December 5, 2020
Guys; You really need to Watch #ITKthemovie
It's worth every penny.. It's a Family Based Story and it comes with a whole lot Of Laughter,Tears and Of course – Amazing Actors.— Iyalode Kofoshi 1 of Ibadanland ❤ (@KarenSpikes) December 5, 2020
The only thing coming to my head rn as the funniest thing I've spent money on is #ITKthemovie 😭. Cracked me up and was totally worth it! 💯 #QualmsMoney
— Olam¡lekan (@tz_olamilekan) December 5, 2020
I’d love to see @Oli_Ekun in more movies. His madness is too much for social media alone 😂😂😂 #ITKthemovie
— JJ. Omojuwa (@Omojuwa) December 5, 2020
#ITKthemovie should be our Nigerian Christmas movie this year. It’s absolutely amazing. Very realistic, relatable and of course, hilarious 😂
— Faridah Mustapha (@Pharieydah_M) December 5, 2020
Saw the movie #ITKthemovie courtesy of @Omojuwa meet and greet . Thankyou so much @Omojuwa. What a hilarious but yet educating movie.
— NwunyeGift (@Abbaslytlgirl) December 5, 2020
Femi Jacobs is peerless in this game #ITKthemovie
— JJ. Omojuwa (@Omojuwa) December 5, 2020