The Cleanser (2021) Movie Synopsis: As the nation gears up for the forthcoming elections, the leading political party, Democratic Conscience Party (D.C.P) starts losing its prominent chieftains to mysterious assassinations. The State Investigative Services (SIS) is contacted to investigate this, with Funmi Williams (Kehinde Bankole) appointed to lead the investigations. In the course of her investigation, the last piece of evidence that would help identify who ‘The Cleanser’ is, points to her older brother, Oluwole (Bolanle Ninalowo). Funmi is left with the dilemma of upholding justice or looking away to protect her family.
The Cast:
- Kehinde Bankole
- Bolanle Ninalowo
- Alex Osifo
- Antar Laniyan
- Nkechi Blessing Sunday
- Chiwetalu Agu
- Jide Kosoko
- Stan Nze
- Chris Iheuwa
- Oladotun Ojuolape Kayode
The Crew
- James Abinibi – Director
The Review
The Cleanser is a Political Crime Drama with a good script, well designed plot, and good acting. But for some loopholes, it would have been a great movie. The movie started with the background story, and I must say I was impressed with how they got the period costume and props for several years ago depicting the younger years of the protagonist.
The acting was good. The blend of old and new faces, as well as the use of actors from all parts of Nollywood was refreshing. While the cinematography was good, it was somehow darker than you would expect. The director could have been trying to go with natural lighting, but it made most of the scenes dark, and the picture was not too crisp.
I enjoyed the use of suspense, and despite being a plot based on vendetta, the blend of Nigerian culture and our political environment made it familiar and relatable. I was pleasantly surprised to see both Bolanle Ninalowo and Kehinde Bankole handle weapons with such practised ease that it looked real. This is the first time I would see Oladotun Ojuolape Kayode (Do2tun, energy gad) in any movie, I must say he gave a good report of himself.
Some part of the scripting left something to be desired though. How could there be a major issue, and though a politician’s house is under heavy guard, it is an unarmed gateman that lets in a workman that had not been previously cleared. While the resolution of the main plot of the movie was satisfactory, the sub plots were left unresolved. Perhaps it was a creative decision, but it kept me wondering.
There wasn’t a lot of music or soundtrack for the movie. I believe an appropriate soundtrack elevates a movie to a memorable one, and good music would remind one of key scenes. But the absence could also be a creative decision. The costuming was okay, but I think the uniforms of the special forces could have been better, instead of the usual black. In all, it was an okay movie.
NollyRated Score: Okay Movie (3/5)
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