Synopsis: This modern-day remake of the classic Nollywood film, Glamour Girls, focuses on the story of four girls who are desperately trying to make a living to live large in the big city of Lagos. Within the usually patriarchal African community, they all dare to raise a stir with their profession as high-end escorts.
The Cast
- Sharon Ooja as Emma
- Nse Ikpe-Etim as Donna
- Ejike Asiegbu as Chief Nkem
- Femi Branch as Segun
- Uzor Arukwe as Aaron
- Joselyn Dumas as Jemma
- James Gardiner as Zeribe
- Robert Adewale as Arrogant Man
- Lilian Afegbai as Majesty
- Shantel Agba as Donna’s House Girl
- Chika Agwuike as Doctor
- Tunbosun Aiyedehin as Hel’s Mother
- Bibiresanmi Amodu as Intellectual Girl
- Anne Annex as Jemma’s Mum
- Gloria Young as Dorris
- Toke Aremu as Yoga Girl
- Onyinye Chukwu as Donna’s House Girl
- Olivia Sandra Chuma as Security Woman
- Olianna Daramola as Louise’s Daughter
- Olivia Daramola as Louise’s Daughter
- Chukie Edozien as Alexander
- Grace Egbanya as Donna’s House Girl
- Gbubemi Ejeye as Celeste
- Rita Ejiofor as Donna’s House Girl
- Temisan Emmanuel as Tommy
- Victor Erebebe as Amos
- Eva Ibiam as Enor
- Valerie Ike as Nike
- Ibrahim Jammal as Kenneth
- Etoama Joy as Donna’s House Girl
- Maureen Kpebia as Nurse
- Peter Lawyer as Chief Nkem’s Head of Security
- Toke Makinwa as Louise
- Alexander Nwanze as Greedy Man
- Ce-Zar Obayan as Fadi
- Barbara Odoh as Self
- Segilola Ogidan as Helion
- Bukky Ogunjimi as Therapist
- Ruby P. Okezie as Tosin
- Eso Dike Okolocha as Hel’s Brother
- Maryjane Onuoha as Ladi
- Ngozi Onuoha as Donna’s House Girl
- Banke Sorinola as Louise’s Girlfriend
- Ibrahim Taofik as Alhaji
- Dolly Unachukwu as Thelma
- Junior-Prince Unigwe as Ese
- Kamaru Usman as Self
- Donatus Uwa as Desmond
- Chinonso Young as Frances
The Crew
- Bunmi Ajakaiye – Director
- Kemi Adesoye – Writer
- Abimbola Craig – Producer
- Charles Okpaleke – Producer
Glamour Girls: The Review
The thing about remaking classics is that it is a delicate walk: you either hit it beautifully or miss it grandly. This remake of the beloved 1994 classic, Glamour Girls, is a grand miss. It is an expensive remake, with jumbled up stories that have neither head nor tail. The plot is scattered, leaving the viewer with nothing to follow.
The costumes were spot on, a result of the desire to portray glamour. It appears most of the funds allocated for the movie was spent on costumes and props; those were very good. The lead actors did their best with the material they had. Nse is a great and legendary actress, Sharon has great craft, but even they could not redeem the story. It was refreshing to see Gloria Young and Dolly Unachukwu in cameo roles in the movie, as they were in the classic movie.
But the whole story is rushed and unfinished. There are too many loose ends; it appears editing took out the meat and bone of the story, and left us with the fluff. The green screen scenes are too obvious, and the colours of the entire movie are oversaturated and sometimes almost garish. Even the score is uninspiring. There are no memorable dialogues, or redeeming comedic quality to give us a lasting taste of the movie. It is a really boring piece of art and I cannot sincerely recommend it.
Nolly Rating: 1/5 (Poor Movie)
NollyRated uses a 5-level scoring system, as follows:
- Poor
- Sub Par
- Okay
- Great
- Outstanding
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Perfect review. The right length too. So confusing.